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Local witch doctor now statistically safer than Southport Hospital

According to statistics released by public health researchers this week, a patient is now 3.82% less likely to die unexpectedly from treatment by popular...

Britain’s nuclear submarine fleet to be painted yellow and moved to...

The Southport Times can exclusively reveal that the question of where the UK's nuclear submarine fleet will be housed in the event of Scottish...

Petition calling for David Cameron to reconsider resignation reaches FOUR signatures

In the wake of the petition calling for a second EU referendum, voters have been flocking to sign another petition calling upon Britain's most...

Screen stolen from Southport’s new open air cinema

Southport's latest entertainment destination, a beachside open air cinema, suffered a 'devastating' blow today, as thieves made off with the screen before the first...

Brexit could end the DFS sale

Speaking on the Andrew Marr show this morning, David Cameron has warned that if Britain votes to leave the European Union the DFS sale really, really...

Antisocial kids ‘Just little bastards’

A study has been published today by a team of social scientists, which examined antisocial behaviour by gangs of youths around Southport. The researchers...

FINES to be imposed for SWEARING in Southport town centre before...

In an effort to clamp down on anti-social behaviour across the region, Sefton Council are set to impose an outright ban on foul language,...

Did Jesus visit Southport?

Although the question may at first seem ridiculous, evidence has emerged that Jesus' feet may indeed have walked upon Southport's golden beaches in ancient...

Southport to Blackpool bridge facing fresh delays

Fears over an increase in anti-social behaviour could lead to work on the new Southport to Blackpool bridge, which is set to start this...

Woollybacks gain protected minority status

After many years of being marginalised and ridiculed by scousers, people from Southport and other areas surrounding Liverpool have finally been recognised as a minority group...

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